Yearbook Photo

Hackensack High School
Yearbook Photo



Click here to view the article about James D. Rookard from Ohio, who explains his experience as a 19 year old African American while driving a truck on the RED BALL EXPRESS during World War II.

On February 27, 1945, while Private Herbert B. Brown, a 19 year old from Hackensack, was transporting a truck load of ammunition, it exploded. Was he ambushed by the Germans, or did explosives loosen and cause an explosion, or was he hit by artillery fire, or did he hit a mine in the road? The article is unclear. What is clear is that while serving his country, Herbert B. Brown died in the line of duty.

Click here to view the March 31, 1945 article about Herbert B. Brown's death.

Herbert B. Brown's name is listed on the 1946 Hackensack High School Yearbook Dedication Page.

He worked at Loft's as a young teenager while in high school, which was a very popular candy store
during the 1940's.

James D. Rookard from Ohio was 77 years old when he did the article and today (June 2007) he would be
82 years old.

Private Herbert B. Brown died in 1945 at the age of 19.

Let us never forget the soldiers sacrifice.

Written by:
Bob Meli
June 2007